
Classroom Participation:

Every cooperative family commits to assisting in the classroom on a rotating basis. Depending on the age of your child, this works out to about once every 3-4 weeks. You are free to choose the dates that work best for your schedule.
New Parent Training All new families participate in New Parent Training (also called Classroom Participation Training or CPT). Only the primary co-oping parent is required to attend. Training is two mornings (9am- noon) in October. It is held at the school, and childcare is provided on-site.

Co-op Job:

Every cooperative family has a job within the co-op. Simple jobs like washing the dress up clothes are available, as are once-a-year jobs, like coordinating our garden plantings in the spring. Obviously, some jobs are more time-intensive than others. You are free to work with leadership to determine which job works best with your current family/life situation.

Deep Cleaning:

Each month our classrooms get a very thorough cleaning, and every family signs up to help with two a year. This is usually done one day right after school and takes around an hour. The children often play in the classroom or eat lunch while the cleaning takes place.

Parent Education:

All families must attend three parent education events throughout the year. There are many opportunities throughout the school year through other cooperative schools. MSPC provides three opportunities as well. These are held at the school after our November, February, and April board meetings and often involve a guest speaker or forum on a child-development topic.


MSPC holds two large events a year, and we ask each family to assist with one. Fall Festival is in October, and Silent Auction is in March. You can choose to serve as a committee chairperson and be fully involved in the planning of the event or simply serve on the committee and assist where needed.